gauss.gms : Matrix Inversion with Full Pivoting


This example demonstrates the use of Loops and Dynamic definition
of sets in elementary transformations using Gaussian Elimination with
full pivot selection.

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : gauss.gms

$title Matrix Inversion with full Pivoting (GAUSS,SEQ=71)

This example demonstrates the use of Loops and Dynamic definition
of sets in elementary transformations using Gaussian Elimination with
full pivot selection.

GAMS Development Corporation, Formulation and Language Example.

Keywords: matrix inversion, Gaussian elimination, full pivoting

   i 'row labels'    / row-1 * row-3 /
   j 'column labels' / col-1 * col-3 /;

Alias (i,ip), (j,jp);

Table a(i,j) 'original matrix'
              col-1  col-2  col-3
   row-1          1      2      3
   row-2          1      3      4
   row-3          1      4      3;

   b(j,i)    'inverse of a'
   bp(i,j)   'permuted and transposed inverse of a'
   pair(i,j) 'pivoting sequence and permutation'
   rank      'rank of matrix a'
   adet      'absolute value of determinant of matrix a'

   r(i)   'pivot row candidates'
   npr(i) 'non pivot rows'
   s(j)   'pivot column candidates'
   nps(j) 'non pivot columns';

r(i)    = yes;
s(j)    = yes;
bp(i,j) = a(i,j);
rank    = 0;
adet    = 1;
tol     = 1e-5;

   big = smax((r,s), abs(bp(r,s)));
   big$(big < tol) = 0;
   npr(i)   = yes;
   nps(jp)  = yes;
   loop((r,s)$(big and big = abs(bp(r,s))),
      rank = rank + 1;
      pair(r,s) = rank;
      piv    = 1/bp(r,s);
      big    = 0;
      adet   = adet/piv;
      npr(r) = no;
      nps(s) = no;

      bp(  r,nps)  =  bp(r,nps)*piv;
      bp(npr,nps)  =  bp(npr,nps) - bp(r,nps)*bp(npr,s);
      bp(npr,  s)  = -bp(npr,s)*piv;
      bp(  r,  s)  =  piv;
   r(r) = npr(r);
   s(s) = nps(s);

b(j,i) = sum((ip,jp)$(pair(i,jp) and pair(ip,j)), bp(ip,jp));
adet   = abs(adet);

display a, rank, adet, pair, bp, b;

   ir(i,ip) 'a times b'
   ic(j,jp) 'b times a';

ir(i,ip) = sum(j, a(i,j)*b(j,ip));
ic(j,jp) = sum(i, b(j,i)*a(i,jp));

display ir, ic;