cns12.gms : CNS model - unsolvable model, scaling issues


The following model and its scaled variant are both infeasible.
E2 and e3 uniquely determines x2 = x3 = 0, and e1 is then
impossible to satisfy.
The scaling in the second model may force a solver based on
monotonicity of the infeasibilities to adjust x1 gradually as
x2 and x3 are moved towards zero, and the solution process may end
with a very large x1 value and therefore also a very large

Small Model of Type : CNS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : cns12.gms

$title CNS model - unsolvable model, scaling issues (cns12,SEQ=102)

  The following model and its scaled variant are both infeasible.
  E2 and e3 uniquely determines x2 = x3 = 0, and e1 is then
  impossible to satisfy.
  The scaling in the second model may force a solver based on
  monotonicity of the infeasibilities to adjust x1 gradually as
  x2 and x3 are moved towards zero, and the solution process may end
  with a very large x1 value and therefore also a very large

$if not set TESTTOL $set TESTTOL 1e-6
scalar tol / %TESTTOL% /;

Scalar scale / 1 /;

variable x1, x2, x3;
equation e1, e2, e3;

e1 .. scale * x1 * x2 =e= scale;
e2 .. x2 + x3 =e= 0;
e3 .. x2 - x3 =e= 0;

x1.l = 1;
x2.l = 1;
x3.l = 1;

model m / all /;

*  Case 1: without bounds, a solver may get within tolerance with
*          a large x1 and small x2,x3
x1.l = 1; x2.l = 1; x3.l = 1;
solve m using cns;
abort$(m.solvestat <> %solvestat.NormalCompletion%                    )  'bad solvestat';
if {(m.modelstat = %modelstat.Solved%),
* solver found a "solution": check that it is within tolerance
  abort$(abs(e1.l-scale) > tol)                   'bad e1.l';
  abort$(abs(e2.l-0) > tol)                       'bad e2.l';
  abort$(abs(e3.l-0) > tol)                       'bad e3.l';
  abort$(m.modelstat <> %modelstat.LocallyInfeasible% and m.modelstat <> %modelstat.InfeasibleNoSolution%)                        'bad modelstat';
  abort$((m.numinfes < 1)$(m.modelstat = %modelstat.LocallyInfeasible%))                          'wrong .numinfes';

*  Case 2: bound x2, this makes the model infeasible
x1.lo = -1e5; x1.up = 1e5;
x1.l = 1; x2.l = 1; x3.l = 1;
solve m using cns;
abort$(m.solvestat <> %solvestat.NormalCompletion% or (m.modelstat <> %modelstat.LocallyInfeasible% and m.modelstat <> %modelstat.InfeasibleNoSolution%))      'bad return codes';
abort$((m.numinfes < 1)$(m.modelstat = %modelstat.LocallyInfeasible%))                            'wrong .numinfes';
x1.lo = -INF; x1.up = INF;

*  Case 3: scaled version of case 1
scale = 5;
x1.l = 1; x2.l = 1; x3.l = 1;
solve m using cns;
abort$(m.solvestat <> %solvestat.NormalCompletion%                    )      'bad solvestat';
if {(m.modelstat = %modelstat.Solved%),
* solver found a "solution": check that it is within tolerance
  abort$(abs(e1.l-scale) > tol)                   'bad e1.l';
  abort$(abs(e2.l-0) > tol)                       'bad e2.l';
  abort$(abs(e3.l-0) > tol)                       'bad e3.l';
  abort$(m.modelstat <> %modelstat.LocallyInfeasible% and m.modelstat <> %modelstat.InfeasibleNoSolution%)                        'bad modelstat';
  abort$((m.numinfes < 1)$(m.modelstat = %modelstat.LocallyInfeasible%))                          'wrong .numinfes';

*  Case 4: bound x2, this makes the model infeasible
scale = 5;
x1.lo = -1e5; x1.up = 1e5;
x1.l = 1; x2.l = 1; x3.l = 1;
solve m using cns;
abort$(m.solvestat <> %solvestat.NormalCompletion% or (m.modelstat <> %modelstat.LocallyInfeasible% and m.modelstat <> %modelstat.InfeasibleNoSolution%))      'bad return codes';
abort$((m.numinfes < 1)$(m.modelstat = %modelstat.LocallyInfeasible%))                            'wrong .numinfes';
x1.up = INF;
x1.lo = -INF; x1.up = INF;