gdxmrw06.gms : run a battery of GDXMRW tests


Start Matlab in batch mode to mrw06_00.m.  You can also run
'testlib gdxmrw06' to extract the required files in the current dir,
start Matlab, and run mrw06_00.m interactively.  In either case, the
battery of tests is run.

Contributor: Steve & Jagdish

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : gdxmrw06.gms

$TITLE run a battery of GDXMRW tests (GDXMRW06,SEQ=641)

Start Matlab in batch mode to mrw06_00.m.  You can also run
'testlib gdxmrw06' to extract the required files in the current dir,
start Matlab, and run mrw06_00.m interactively.  In either case, the
battery of tests is run.

Contributor: Steve & Jagdish


* mrw06log.txt: log file created by test driver
* mrw06out.txt: stdout-type stuff from test run
$call =rm -f mrw06log.txt mrw06out.txt
$set WAIT
$if not %system.filesys% == UNIX $set WAIT /wait
$call =matlab -r "nErr=0; try; mrw06_00; catch; end; exit(nErr)" -logfile mrw06out.txt -nosplash -nodisplay -nojvm %WAIT%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort "Not all GDXMRW tests passed"