scnred01.gms : Basic Scenred2 test - tree construction


Simple check of tree construction in SCENRED-2

Contributor: Steve Dirkse

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : scnred01.gms

$TITLE Basic Scenred2 test - tree construction (SCNRED01,SEQ=408)

Simple check of tree construction in SCENRED-2

Contributor: Steve Dirkse

  n  'nodes' /
     n0     'root - stage 1',
    (n1*n4) 'stage 2'
    (n5*n8) 'stage 3'
  stage2(n) / (n1*n4) /
  stage3(n) / (n5*n8) /
  ancestor(n,n)  'input to scenred, in (child,parent) order'
  newAncestor(n,n)  'output from scenred'
  prob(n)   node probabilities
  newProb(n)   node probabilities output from scenred
  price(n)  node prices /
                     n0 1
    n1  0.3,   n2 0.3,   n3 0.7,   n4 0.7
    n5  0.3,   n6 0.7,   n7 0.3,   n8 0.7

ancestor(stage2(n),'n0') = yes;
ancestor(stage3(n),n-4) = yes;

prob(n) = 1/ card(stage3);
prob('n0') = 1;

$set sr2prefix scnred01
$libinclude scenred2

file opts / 'sr2%sr2prefix%.opt' /;
putclose opts 'order           1'
            / 'section  epsilon'
            / ' 2  0.05'
            / ' 3  0.05'
            / 'end';

scenRedParms('construction_method') = 1;
scenRedParms('reduction_method')    = 1;
scenRedParms('sroption')            = 1;

$libinclude runscenred2 %sr2prefix% tree_con n ancestor prob newancestor prob price

* now do some checks on the scenred 2 outputs: first the report
display scenRedReport;
abort$[scenRedReport('orig_nodes')  <> 9]  'bad report orig_nodes';
abort$[scenRedReport('orig_leaves') <> 4]  'bad report orig_leaves';
abort$[scenRedReport('red_nodes')  <> 7]   'bad report red_nodes';
abort$[scenRedReport('red_leaves') <> 4]   'bad report red_leaves';
abort$[scenRedReport('construction_method') <> 1] 'bad construction_method';

alias (n,child,parent);
  newStage2(n) 'new set of stage-2 nodes';

* check that the tree is what we expect
display newAncestor;
abort$[card(newAncestor) <> 6] 'bogus ancestors in constructed tree';

check(n) = NO;
check(stage3(parent)) = sum{newAncestor(child,parent), YES};
abort$[card(check) <> 0] 'leaf nodes must not be parents', check;

check(stage3(child)) = sum{newAncestor(child,parent), YES};
abort$[card(check) <> 4] 'all 4 leaf nodes must be in tree', check;

newStage2(stage2(parent)) = sum{newAncestor(stage3(child),parent), YES};
abort$[card(newStage2) <> 2] 'new tree must have 2 stage-2 nodes', newStage2;

abort$[2 <> sum{newAncestor(n,'n0'), 1}]
  'root node must have 2 children', newAncestor;

abort$[2 <> sum{newAncestor(newStage2,'n0'), 1}]
  'children of root must be new stage-2 nodes', newAncestor;

display prob;
abort$[prob('n0') <> 1] 'bad root probability';
abort$[sum{newStage2(n), abs(prob(n)-.5)}  <> 0] 'bad stage 2 probabilities';
abort$[sum{stage3(n),    abs(prob(n)-.25)} <> 0] 'bad stage 3 probabilities';