Solver Square Comparison: Considers all models.

Date / Time: 11/15/02 12:53:04

Solver comparison utility.

Compares all solver return outcomes (for example optimal, infeasible, unbounded, interrupt, fail) of one solver with all return outcomes of another solver. Interrupt denotes resource or iteration limit has been reached. Solver ALL/LOCAL is represented on the left (rows) and solver SNOPT on top (columns). See the solver return definitions for return codes.

Tracefile 1 :alllocal.txt
Tracefile 2 :SNOPT.TXT
Solvers used : ALL/LOCAL
Modeltype(s)   NLP

Result Totals in Percent:

Solver % models optimal % models feasible % models infeasible % models unbounded % models fail
ALL/LOCAL - 89.90 4.04 - 6.06
SNOPT - 89.90 3.03 1.01 6.06

Result Totals in Number of Models:

optimal feasible infeasible unbounded fail total ALL/LOCAL
optimal - - - - - -
feasible - 88 - - 1 89
infeasible - 1 3 - - 4
unbounded - - - - - -
fail - - - 1 5 6
total SNOPT - 89 3 1 6 99

Solver return definitions:

OutcomeModel StatusSolver Status
optimal 1 or 15 1
feasible 2 or 16 or 17 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
infeasible4 or 5 or 19 1
unbounded3 or 18 1
fail all other all other

Solver Resource Times

ALL/LOCAL: feas -- SNOPT: feas    Back to top

EX14_1_1 0.0508 0.2031 0.250 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_1_2 0.0430 0.0469 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_1_3 0.0469 0.0898 0.522 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_1_5 0.0313 0.0313 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_1_6 0.0313 0.0313 --- 1.00000000 1.00000000
EX14_1_7 0.0313 0.0313 --- 7.04274947 7.04274947
EX14_1_8 0.0273 0.0469 --- 0.04141589 0.04141589
EX14_1_9 0.0313 0.0313 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_2_1 0.0313 0.0469 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_2_2 0.0273 0.0313 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_2_3 0.0156 0.0156 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_2_4 0.0273 0.0273 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_2_5 0.0273 0.0313 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_2_6 0.0313 0.0469 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_2_7 0.0313 0.0352 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_2_8 0.0313 0.0313 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX14_2_9 0.0313 0.0313 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX2_1_1 0.0313 0.0352 --- -17.00000000 -17.00000000
EX2_1_10 0.0508 0.0469 1.083 49318.01795841 133718.84489665
EX2_1_2 0.0117 0.0117 --- -213.00000000 -213.00000000
EX2_1_3 0.0156 0.0156 --- -15.00000000 -15.00000000
EX2_1_4 0.0195 0.0313 --- -11.00000000 -11.00000000
EX2_1_5 0.0156 0.0352 --- -268.01463154 -268.01463154
EX2_1_6 0.0313 0.0469 --- -39.00000000 -39.00000000
EX2_1_7 0.0273 0.0313 --- -4150.41013393 -4150.41013393
EX2_1_8 0.0156 0.0156 --- 25287.00000000 25287.00000000
EX2_1_9 0.0156 0.0156 --- -0.37500000 -0.37500000
EX3_1_1 0.0313 0.0313 --- 7049.24802053 7049.24801046
EX3_1_2 0.0313 0.0469 --- -30665.53867179 -30665.53867179
EX3_1_3 0.0156 0.0156 --- -310.00000000 -310.00000000
EX3_1_4 0.0313 0.0352 --- -4.00000000 -4.00000000
EX4_1_1 0.0352 0.0469 --- -7.48731236 -0.51997806
EX4_1_2 0.0313 0.0313 --- -663.50009661 -663.50009661
EX4_1_3 0.0156 0.0273 --- -443.67170474 -443.67170474
EX4_1_4 0.0156 0.0313 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX4_1_5 0.0117 0.0313 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX4_1_6 0.0156 0.0156 --- 7.00000000 7.00000000
EX4_1_7 0.0352 0.0352 --- -7.50000000 -7.50000000
EX4_1_8 0.0313 0.0313 --- -16.73889318 -16.73889318
EX4_1_9 0.0156 0.0273 --- -5.50801327 -5.50801327
EX5_2_2_CASE1 0.0273 0.0273 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX5_2_2_CASE2 0.0313 0.0313 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX5_2_2_CASE3 0.0156 0.0273 --- 0.00000000 0.00000000
EX5_2_4 0.0313 0.0313 --- -100.00000000 -100.00000000
EX5_2_5 0.0703 0.0313 2.250 -3500.00000000 -1900.00000000
EX5_4_2 0.0391 7.8438 0.005 7512.23014450 7512.23014427
EX6_1_1 0.0273 0.0313 --- -0.02019831 -0.02019831
EX6_1_2 0.0313 0.0352 --- -0.03246375 -0.03246375
EX6_1_4 0.0313 0.0352 --- -0.29454129 -0.29454129
EX6_2_11 0.0313 0.0313 --- -0.00000267 -0.00000267
EX6_2_12 0.0313 0.0469 --- 0.28919475 0.28919475
EX6_2_13 0.0156 0.0156 --- -0.21620944 -0.21620944
EX6_2_14 0.0273 0.0273 --- -0.69535793 -0.69535793
EX6_2_5 0.0586 0.1406 0.417 -70.75207783 -70.75207783
EX6_2_7 0.0313 0.0469 --- -0.16084762 -0.16084762
EX6_2_8 0.0156 0.0352 --- -0.02700635 -0.02700635
EX6_2_9 0.0313 0.0313 --- -0.03406618 -0.03406618
EX7_2_1 0.0469 3.5156 0.013 1227.22606413 1227.22602670
EX7_2_2 0.0313 0.0313 --- -0.38881144 -0.38881144
EX7_2_3 0.0938 0.0508 1.846 7049.22164027 7049.24625046
EX7_2_4 0.0703 0.0469 1.500 3.91801023 4.20285303
EX7_3_2 0.0273 0.0313 --- 1.08986397 1.08986390
EX7_3_3 0.0156 0.0156 --- 1.14477980 1.14477980
EX7_3_4 0.0313 0.0313 --- 10.00000000 10.00000000
EX7_3_5 0.0313 0.0313 --- 1.20689655 1.20689655
EX8_1_1 0.0273 0.0313 --- -2.02180678 -2.02180678
EX8_1_2 0.0156 0.0156 --- 2.80345848 2.80345848
EX8_1_3 0.0156 0.0313 --- 30.00000000 30.00000000
EX8_1_7 0.0625 0.0625 1.000 0.02931083 0.02931083
EX8_1_8 0.0352 0.0352 --- -0.38881144 -0.38881144
EX8_3_6 0.1211 0.5313 0.228 -0.50000000 -0.50000000
EX8_3_9 0.8125 0.3281 2.476 -0.76300193 -0.75926547
EX8_4_1 0.0313 0.0313 --- 0.61857276 0.61857276
EX8_4_2 0.0469 0.0469 --- 0.48515249 0.48515249
EX8_4_3 0.0469 0.3867 0.121 0.00464972 0.00464972
EX8_4_4 0.0313 0.0313 --- 0.21245984 0.21245984
EX8_4_5 0.0781 0.0625 1.250 0.00030749 0.00122530
EX8_4_7 0.0664 0.1563 0.425 29.04730672 29.04733739
EX8_4_8 0.0938 0.0938 1.000 3.32184733 3.32184733
EX9_1_4 0.0273 0.0313 --- -37.00000000 -37.00000000
EX9_1_5 0.0156 0.0313 --- -1.00000000 4.00000000
EX9_1_8 0.0273 0.0273 --- -3.25000000 -3.25000000
EX9_2_1 0.0313 0.0313 --- 16.99999921 16.99999921
EX9_2_3 0.0313 0.0313 --- 5.00000000 5.00000000
EX9_2_4 0.0313 0.0313 --- 0.50000000 0.50000000
EX9_2_6 0.0313 0.0781 0.400 -1.00000000 -1.00000000
EX9_2_7 0.0273 0.0273 --- 16.99999921 16.99999921
EX9_2_8 0.0156 0.0156 --- 1.50000000 1.50000000

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ALL/LOCAL: feas -- SNOPT: f    Back to top

EX6_1_3 0.0273 0.0313 --- -0.35249780 mstat( 7) sstat( 5)

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ALL/LOCAL: infeas -- SNOPT: feas    Back to top

EX5_4_4 0.0508 0.0508 --- mstat( 5) sstat( 1) 11841.60921275

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ALL/LOCAL: infeas -- SNOPT: infeas    Back to top

EX5_3_2 0.0273 0.0273 --- mstat( 5) sstat( 1) mstat( 5) sstat( 1)
EX5_3_3 0.0313 0.0313 --- mstat( 5) sstat( 1) mstat( 5) sstat( 1)
EX5_4_3 0.0273 0.0273 --- mstat( 5) sstat( 1) mstat( 5) sstat( 1)

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ALL/LOCAL: f -- SNOPT: unbnd    Back to top

EX8_2_1 0.0469 0.1250 --- mstat( 7) sstat( 4) mstat( 3) sstat( 1)

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ALL/LOCAL: f -- SNOPT: f    Back to top

EX6_2_10 0.0313 0.0313 --- mstat( 7) sstat( 5) mstat( 7) sstat( 5)
EX8_2_4 20.0000 0.5625 --- mstat( 7) sstat( 3) mstat( 7) sstat( 4)
EX8_4_6 0.0313 0.0313 --- mstat( 7) sstat( 5) mstat( 7) sstat( 5)
EX8_5_1 0.0313 0.0313 --- mstat( 7) sstat( 5) mstat( 7) sstat( 5)
EX8_5_3 0.0313 0.0313 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 4) mstat( 7) sstat( 5)

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ALL/LOCAL: feas:     Back to top

EX14_1_1 0.0508 0.00000000
EX14_1_2 0.0430 0.00000000
EX14_1_3 0.0469 0.00000000
EX14_1_5 0.0313 0.00000000
EX14_1_6 0.0313 1.00000000
EX14_1_7 0.0313 7.04274947
EX14_1_8 0.0273 0.04141589
EX14_1_9 0.0313 0.00000000
EX14_2_1 0.0313 0.00000000
EX14_2_2 0.0273 0.00000000
EX14_2_3 0.0156 0.00000000
EX14_2_4 0.0273 0.00000000
EX14_2_5 0.0273 0.00000000
EX14_2_6 0.0313 0.00000000
EX14_2_7 0.0313 0.00000000
EX14_2_8 0.0313 0.00000000
EX14_2_9 0.0313 0.00000000
EX2_1_1 0.0313 -17.00000000
EX2_1_10 0.0508 49318.01795841
EX2_1_2 0.0117 -213.00000000
EX2_1_3 0.0156 -15.00000000
EX2_1_4 0.0195 -11.00000000
EX2_1_5 0.0156 -268.01463154
EX2_1_6 0.0313 -39.00000000
EX2_1_7 0.0273 -4150.41013393
EX2_1_8 0.0156 25287.00000000
EX2_1_9 0.0156 -0.37500000
EX3_1_1 0.0313 7049.24802053
EX3_1_2 0.0313 -30665.53867179
EX3_1_3 0.0156 -310.00000000
EX3_1_4 0.0313 -4.00000000
EX4_1_1 0.0352 -7.48731236
EX4_1_2 0.0313 -663.50009661
EX4_1_3 0.0156 -443.67170474
EX4_1_4 0.0156 0.00000000
EX4_1_5 0.0117 0.00000000
EX4_1_6 0.0156 7.00000000
EX4_1_7 0.0352 -7.50000000
EX4_1_8 0.0313 -16.73889318
EX4_1_9 0.0156 -5.50801327
EX5_2_2_CASE1 0.0273 0.00000000
EX5_2_2_CASE2 0.0313 0.00000000
EX5_2_2_CASE3 0.0156 0.00000000
EX5_2_4 0.0313 -100.00000000
EX5_2_5 0.0703 -3500.00000000
EX5_4_2 0.0391 7512.23014450
EX6_1_1 0.0273 -0.02019831
EX6_1_2 0.0313 -0.03246375
EX6_1_3 0.0273 -0.35249780
EX6_1_4 0.0313 -0.29454129
EX6_2_11 0.0313 -0.00000267
EX6_2_12 0.0313 0.28919475
EX6_2_13 0.0156 -0.21620944
EX6_2_14 0.0273 -0.69535793
EX6_2_5 0.0586 -70.75207783
EX6_2_7 0.0313 -0.16084762
EX6_2_8 0.0156 -0.02700635
EX6_2_9 0.0313 -0.03406618
EX7_2_1 0.0469 1227.22606413
EX7_2_2 0.0313 -0.38881144
EX7_2_3 0.0938 7049.22164027
EX7_2_4 0.0703 3.91801023
EX7_3_2 0.0273 1.08986397
EX7_3_3 0.0156 1.14477980
EX7_3_4 0.0313 10.00000000
EX7_3_5 0.0313 1.20689655
EX8_1_1 0.0273 -2.02180678
EX8_1_2 0.0156 2.80345848
EX8_1_3 0.0156 30.00000000
EX8_1_7 0.0625 0.02931083
EX8_1_8 0.0352 -0.38881144
EX8_3_6 0.1211 -0.50000000
EX8_3_9 0.8125 -0.76300193
EX8_4_1 0.0313 0.61857276
EX8_4_2 0.0469 0.48515249
EX8_4_3 0.0469 0.00464972
EX8_4_4 0.0313 0.21245984
EX8_4_5 0.0781 0.00030749
EX8_4_7 0.0664 29.04730672
EX8_4_8 0.0938 3.32184733
EX9_1_4 0.0273 -37.00000000
EX9_1_5 0.0156 -1.00000000
EX9_1_8 0.0273 -3.25000000
EX9_2_1 0.0313 16.99999921
EX9_2_3 0.0313 5.00000000
EX9_2_4 0.0313 0.50000000
EX9_2_6 0.0313 -1.00000000
EX9_2_7 0.0273 16.99999921
EX9_2_8 0.0156 1.50000000

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ALL/LOCAL: infeas:     Back to top

Modelname ALL/LOCAL Status (ALL/LOCAL)
EX5_3_2 0.0273 mstat( 5) sstat( 1)
EX5_3_3 0.0313 mstat( 5) sstat( 1)
EX5_4_3 0.0273 mstat( 5) sstat( 1)
EX5_4_4 0.0508 mstat( 5) sstat( 1)

Back to top

ALL/LOCAL: f:     Back to top

Modelname ALL/LOCAL Status (ALL/LOCAL)
EX6_2_10 0.0313 mstat( 7) sstat( 5)
EX8_2_1 0.0469 mstat( 7) sstat( 4)
EX8_2_4 20.0000 mstat( 7) sstat( 3)
EX8_4_6 0.0313 mstat( 7) sstat( 5)
EX8_5_1 0.0313 mstat( 7) sstat( 5)
EX8_5_3 0.0313 mstat( 6) sstat( 4)

Back to top

SNOPT: feas:     Back to top

Modelname SNOPT Obj (SNOPT)
EX14_1_1 0.2031 0.00000000
EX14_1_2 0.0469 0.00000000
EX14_1_3 0.0898 0.00000000
EX14_1_5 0.0313 0.00000000
EX14_1_6 0.0313 1.00000000
EX14_1_7 0.0313 7.04274947
EX14_1_8 0.0469 0.04141589
EX14_1_9 0.0313 0.00000000
EX14_2_1 0.0469 0.00000000
EX14_2_2 0.0313 0.00000000
EX14_2_3 0.0156 0.00000000
EX14_2_4 0.0273 0.00000000
EX14_2_5 0.0313 0.00000000
EX14_2_6 0.0469 0.00000000
EX14_2_7 0.0352 0.00000000
EX14_2_8 0.0313 0.00000000
EX14_2_9 0.0313 0.00000000
EX2_1_1 0.0352 -17.00000000
EX2_1_10 0.0469 49318.01795841
EX2_1_2 0.0117 -213.00000000
EX2_1_3 0.0156 -15.00000000
EX2_1_4 0.0313 -11.00000000
EX2_1_5 0.0352 -268.01463154
EX2_1_6 0.0469 -39.00000000
EX2_1_7 0.0313 -4150.41013393
EX2_1_8 0.0156 25287.00000000
EX2_1_9 0.0156 -0.37500000
EX3_1_1 0.0313 7049.24802053
EX3_1_2 0.0469 -30665.53867179
EX3_1_3 0.0156 -310.00000000
EX3_1_4 0.0352 -4.00000000
EX4_1_1 0.0469 -7.48731236
EX4_1_2 0.0313 -663.50009661
EX4_1_3 0.0273 -443.67170474
EX4_1_4 0.0313 0.00000000
EX4_1_5 0.0313 0.00000000
EX4_1_6 0.0156 7.00000000
EX4_1_7 0.0352 -7.50000000
EX4_1_8 0.0313 -16.73889318
EX4_1_9 0.0273 -5.50801327
EX5_2_2_CASE1 0.0273 0.00000000
EX5_2_2_CASE2 0.0313 0.00000000
EX5_2_2_CASE3 0.0273 0.00000000
EX5_2_4 0.0313 -100.00000000
EX5_2_5 0.0313 -3500.00000000
EX5_4_2 7.8438 7512.23014450
EX5_4_4 0.0508 3018.64538719
EX6_1_1 0.0313 -0.02019831
EX6_1_2 0.0352 -0.03246375
EX6_1_4 0.0352 -0.29454129
EX6_2_11 0.0313 -0.00000267
EX6_2_12 0.0469 0.28919475
EX6_2_13 0.0156 -0.21620944
EX6_2_14 0.0273 -0.69535793
EX6_2_5 0.1406 -70.75207783
EX6_2_7 0.0469 -0.16084762
EX6_2_8 0.0352 -0.02700635
EX6_2_9 0.0313 -0.03406618
EX7_2_1 3.5156 1227.22606413
EX7_2_2 0.0313 -0.38881144
EX7_2_3 0.0508 7049.22164027
EX7_2_4 0.0469 3.91801023
EX7_3_2 0.0313 1.08986397
EX7_3_3 0.0156 1.14477980
EX7_3_4 0.0313 10.00000000
EX7_3_5 0.0313 1.20689655
EX8_1_1 0.0313 -2.02180678
EX8_1_2 0.0156 2.80345848
EX8_1_3 0.0313 30.00000000
EX8_1_7 0.0625 0.02931083
EX8_1_8 0.0352 -0.38881144
EX8_3_6 0.5313 -0.50000000
EX8_3_9 0.3281 -0.76300193
EX8_4_1 0.0313 0.61857276
EX8_4_2 0.0469 0.48515249
EX8_4_3 0.3867 0.00464972
EX8_4_4 0.0313 0.21245984
EX8_4_5 0.0625 0.00030749
EX8_4_7 0.1563 29.04730672
EX8_4_8 0.0938 3.32184733
EX9_1_4 0.0313 -37.00000000
EX9_1_5 0.0313 -1.00000000
EX9_1_8 0.0273 -3.25000000
EX9_2_1 0.0313 16.99999921
EX9_2_3 0.0313 5.00000000
EX9_2_4 0.0313 0.50000000
EX9_2_6 0.0781 -1.00000000
EX9_2_7 0.0273 16.99999921
EX9_2_8 0.0156 1.50000000

Back to top

SNOPT: infeas:     Back to top

Modelname SNOPT Status (SNOPT)
EX5_3_2 0.0273 mstat( 5) sstat( 1)
EX5_3_3 0.0313 mstat( 5) sstat( 1)
EX5_4_3 0.0273 mstat( 5) sstat( 1)

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SNOPT: unbnd:     Back to top

Modelname SNOPT Status (SNOPT)
EX8_2_1 0.1250 mstat( 3) sstat( 1)

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SNOPT: f:     Back to top

Modelname SNOPT Status (SNOPT)
EX6_1_3 0.0313 mstat( 7) sstat( 5)
EX6_2_10 0.0313 mstat( 7) sstat( 5)
EX8_2_4 0.5625 mstat( 7) sstat( 4)
EX8_4_6 0.0313 mstat( 7) sstat( 5)
EX8_5_1 0.0313 mstat( 7) sstat( 5)
EX8_5_3 0.0313 mstat( 7) sstat( 5)

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