Table A:   Considers only models solved optimal/feasible by both solvers.

Date / Time: 09/27/02 10:16:16

Total resource time for models solved optimal/feasible by solver A and solver B.

See the solver return definitions for optimal/feasible model and solve statuses. Solutions are not checked for how close they are to oneanother. Resource times are considered the same, if they are within 10% of eachother. A solver is considered faster than another, if it is less than 50% faster than the other. A solver is considered much faster than another, if it is more than 50% faster than the other.

A solver is considered to have a better objective function value, if the relative objective value difference is greater than 1.00E-05.

Tracefile 1 :b0
Tracefile 2 :b3
Solvers used : BARON default
Modeltype(s)   NLP

Total Obj. BARON defaulbetter Obj. same Obj. BARON op3 better
Solver BARON default much faster : - - - -
Solver BARON default faster : - - - -
Solvers perform the same: 1 1 - -
Solver BARON op3 faster : 25 - 24 1
Solver BARON op3 much faster : 20 - 20 -
Total models solved optimal/feasible : 46 1 44 1

Solver return definition:

OutcomeModel StatusSolver Status
optimal 1 or 15 1
feasible 2 or 16 or 17 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5

Resource Times:

Resource times (as in trace file) listed in seconds.

Solvers perform the same - Obj of BARON default better:    Back to top

Modelname BARON default BARON op3 Ratio (BARON default / BARON op3)Obj BARON defaultObj BARON op3
46lmp1 302.1800300.10001.007 4.95079504E+07 4.95791123E+07

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Solver BARON op3 faster - Obj same for both solvers:     Back to top

Modelname BARON default BARON op3 Ratio (BARON default / BARON op3)Obj BARON defaultObj BARON op3
1lmp1 0.37000.22001.682 1.34304169E+03 1.34304169E+03
2lmp1 0.40000.24001.667 2.86133253E+02 2.86133253E+02
3lmp1 0.38000.23001.652 2.16242852E+03 2.16242852E+03
4lmp1 0.34000.22001.545 7.57851017E+02 7.57851017E+02
5lmp1 0.33000.25001.320 3.13486788E+02 3.13486788E+02
7lmp1 9.21004.64001.985 4.18056606E+02 4.18056606E+02
9lmp1 6.82004.28001.593 5.50561099E+02 5.50561099E+02
16lmp1 0.57000.35001.629 3.40514987E+04 3.40514987E+04
17lmp1 0.55000.34001.618 9.51781638E+03 9.51781638E+03
18lmp1 0.62000.49001.265 8.10242185E+04 8.10242185E+04
19lmp1 0.72000.44001.636 1.26297615E+05 1.26297615E+05
20lmp1 0.64000.46001.391 5.88440007E+04 5.88440007E+04
31lmp1 0.93000.60001.550 7.48596357E+05 7.48596357E+05
32lmp1 1.36000.80001.700 1.27643488E+06 1.27643488E+06
33lmp1 1.11000.72001.542 2.08839366E+06 2.08839366E+06
34lmp1 0.82000.65001.262 3.66054669E+05 3.66054669E+05
35lmp1 1.21000.85001.424 1.40548992E+06 1.40548992E+06
36lmp1 16.450014.62001.125 8.25385867E+05 8.25385867E+05
37lmp1 60.670033.57001.807 2.68946093E+06 2.68946093E+06
40lmp1 54.370032.04001.697 1.41080802E+06 1.41080802E+06
42lmp1 308.5600180.46001.710 1.53785250E+06 1.53785250E+06
43lmp1 300.1200216.98001.383 1.78712388E+06 1.78712388E+06
44lmp1 300.1000183.25001.638 2.24481601E+06 2.24481601E+06
45lmp1 300.1200199.00001.508 1.42446397E+06 1.42446397E+06

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Solver BARON op3 faster - Obj of BARON op3 better:    Back to top

Modelname BARON default BARON op3 Ratio (BARON default / BARON op3)Obj BARON defaultObj BARON op3
41lmp1 300.4100242.96001.236 5.09388315E+06 3.03790810E+06

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Solver BARON op3 much faster - Obj same for both solvers:     Back to top

Modelname BARON default BARON op3 Ratio (BARON default / BARON op3)Obj BARON defaultObj BARON op3
6lmp1 13.35004.35003.069 1.11656595E+03 1.11656595E+03
8lmp1 15.99004.30003.719 5.68868471E+02 5.68868471E+02
10lmp1 7.75003.60002.153 6.05364770E+02 6.05364770E+02
11lmp1 114.960021.68005.303 9.77993714E+01 9.77993714E+01
12lmp1 63.390020.46003.098 7.85704043E+01 7.85704043E+01
13lmp1 118.690019.60006.056 1.99147927E+02 1.99147927E+02
14lmp1 109.410021.50005.089 2.12656000E+02 2.12656000E+02
15lmp1 106.240021.64004.909 5.26163518E+02 5.26163518E+02
21lmp1 31.64008.64003.662 3.34358628E+04 3.34358628E+04
22lmp1 23.43009.14002.563 3.03827776E+04 3.03827776E+04
23lmp1 26.340012.34002.135 3.48488733E+04 3.48488733E+04
24lmp1 19.37008.90002.176 7.35610083E+03 7.35610083E+03
25lmp1 40.740012.68003.213 6.43318161E+04 6.43318161E+04
26lmp1 228.550031.47007.262 3.67386977E+04 3.67386977E+04
27lmp1 212.990026.02008.186 1.08604363E+04 1.08604363E+04
28lmp1 136.320035.76003.812 2.51993500E+04 2.51993500E+04
29lmp1 112.360037.18003.022 3.96776580E+04 3.96776580E+04
30lmp1 150.230035.56004.225 3.89254150E+04 3.89254150E+04
38lmp1 94.600042.88002.206 4.48850391E+06 4.48850391E+06
39lmp1 29.060013.70002.121 2.80253970E+05 2.80253970E+05

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