etamac.gms : ETA-MACRO Energy Model for the USA


This is an Energy Macro Economic Interaction model for the United
States developed by Prof A Manne, Stanford University.

Small Model of Type : NLP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : etamac.gms

$title Eta-Macro Energy Model for the USA (ETAMAC,SEQ=80)

This is an Energy Macro Economic Interaction model for the United
States developed by Prof A Manne, Stanford University.

Manne, A S, ETA-MACRO: A Model of Energy-Economy Interactions. In Hitch,
C J, Ed, Modeling Energy-Economy Interactions, Resources for the Future.
?, Washington, DC, 1977.

These are notes on changing the time horizon and number of years per period.

You must first enter the set t which is the time periods that will be
used.  The number of years between entries in t must be the value nyper.
you must choose the number of years per period, nyper, and this must
correspond to the set t. You must change the number of years per period,
nyper, in two places. nyper must be greater than or equal to 2.

You must also enter the set inityrs which contains the years from the base
year to the year before the first year.

Units Used:

Electric Energy                 10**12 kwh
Non-Electric Energy             10**15 btu
Price of Electric Energy     $/(10**3 kwh)
Price of Non-Electric Energy $/(10**6 btu)
GNP                               10**12 $

Keywords: nonlinear programming, energy economics, macro economics, forecasting,
          energy policy

   nyper     'number of years per period' / 5 /;

   inityrs   'years before first year'   / 1985*1989 /
   bsyr      'base year'
   t         'actual time periods'       / 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010
                                           2015, 2020, 2025, 2030       /
   tfirst(t) 'first period'
   tlast(t)  'last period'
   nypset    'set from 1 to nyper'       / 1*5 /;

bsyr(inityrs) = yes$(ord(inityrs) = 1);
tfirst(t)     = yes$(ord(t) = 1);
tlast(t)      = yes$(ord(t) = card(t));

   spda   'speed of adjustment'                    /    0.96 /
   kpvs   'capital share parameter'                /    0.28 /
   elvs   'electric share parameter'               /    0.35 /
   esub   'elasticity between k-l and e-n'         /    0.45 /
   k0     'initial capital'                        /   10.90 /
   e0     'initial electric energy'                /    2.50 /
   n0     'initial non-electric energy'            /   50    /
   i0     'initial investment'                     /    0.7  /
   c0     'initial consumption'                    /    3.2  /
   pe0    'initial price of electric energy'       /   50    /
   pn0    'initial price of non-electric energy'   /    4.5  /
   pnref  'reference price of non-electric energy' /    3.0  /
   y0     'initial output'
   htrt0  'initial heat rate'
   thsnd  'one thousand'                           / 1000.0  /
   rho    'esub minus one divided by esub'
   aconst 'constant for capital-labor index'
   bconst 'constant for electric-non-electric energy index'
   ninit  'number of years before the first year'
   tol    'tolerance factor for lower bounds'      /    0.3  /;

   dfactcurr(t) 'current annual utility discount factor'
   dfact(t)     'utility discount factor'
   grow(t)      'potential annual gnp growth rate'
   pegrow(t)    'current growth of electricity price'
   pelec(t)     'growth of electricity price'
   pngrow(t)    'current growth of non-electricity price'
   pnelec(t)    'growth of non-electricity price'
   l(t)         'current labor force (efficiency units)'
   ln(t)        'new labor force'
   ipm(t)       'investment period multiplier'
   htrt(t)      'heat rate'
   knew(t)      'new capital stock';

*the following input factors refer, respectively, to utility discounting
*(dfactcurr), growth of electric and nonelectric energy costs (pelec and
*pnelec), and of potential gnp (grow).

dfactcurr(t) =  0.96;
pegrow(t)    =  0.01;
pngrow(t)    =  0.02;
grow(t)      =  0.03;
htrt0        = 10.809;
htrt(t)      = 10.809;

ninit = card(inityrs);
rho   = (esub - 1)/esub;
y0    = i0 + c0 + (e0*pe0 + n0*pn0)/thsnd;

bconst =   (pnref/thsnd)*y0**(rho - 1)
         / ((1 - elvs)*(e0**(rho*elvs))*(n0**(rho*(1 - elvs) - 1)));
aconst =   (y0**rho - bconst*(e0**(rho*elvs))*(n0**(rho*(1 - elvs))))
         / (k0**(rho*kpvs));

*the following calculations allow for the growth of investment within each
*period, and also for its geometric decay.

knew(tfirst) =  i0*(sum(inityrs, spda**(ord(inityrs) - 1)
             * (1 + grow(tfirst))**(ninit - ord(inityrs))));

ipm(t) = sum(nypset, spda**(ord(nypset) - 1)*(1 + grow(t))**(nyper - ord(nypset)));

dfact(tfirst)  = dfactcurr(tfirst)**ninit;
l(tfirst)      = (1 + grow(tfirst))**ninit;
ln(tfirst)     = l(tfirst) - (spda**ninit);
pelec(tfirst)  = pe0*((1 + pegrow(tfirst))**ninit);
pnelec(tfirst) = pn0*((1 + pngrow(tfirst))**ninit);

   dfact(t+1)  = dfact(t)*dfactcurr(t+1)**nyper;
   l(t+1)      = l(t)*(1 + grow(t+1))**nyper;
   ln(t+1)     = l(t+1) - l(t)*(spda**nyper);
   pelec(t+1)  = pelec(t)*(1 + pegrow(t))**nyper;
   pnelec(t+1) = pnelec(t)*(1 + pngrow(t))**nyper;

dfact(tlast) = dfact(tlast)/(1 - dfactcurr(tlast));

display ipm, kpvs, elvs, l, ln, rho, aconst, bconst, pelec, pnelec, knew;

   k(t)  'capital stock'
   kn(t) 'new capital stock'
   y(t)  'production'
   yn(t) 'new production'
   e(t)  'electric energy'
   en(t) 'new electric energy'
   n(t)  'non-electric energy'
   nn(t) 'new non-electric energy'
   c(t)  'consumption'
   i(t)  'investment'
   ec(t) 'energy cost in trillions'

k.l(t) = k0*l(t);
y.l(t) = y0*l(t);
e.l(t) = e0*l(t);
n.l(t) = n0*l(t);
c.l(t) = c0*l(t);
i.l(t) = i0*l(t);

display k.l, y.l, e.l, n.l, c.l, i.l;

   newcap(t)     'new capital'
   newprod(t)    'new production'
   fnewelec(t)   'new electric energy in first period'
   newelec(t)    'new electric energy'
   fnewnon(t)    'new non-electric energy in first period'
   newnon(t)     'new non-electric energy'
   totalcap(t)   'total capital stock'
   ftotalprod(t) 'total production in first period'
   totalprod(t)  'total production'
   costnrg(t)    'cost of energy'
   cc(t)         'capacity constraint'
   tc(t)         'terminal condition'
   util          'discounted log of consumption';

newcap(t+1)..        kn(t+1)    =e= i(t)*ipm(t);

newprod(t+1)..       yn(t+1)    =e= (aconst*(kn(t+1)**(rho*kpvs))
                                 *  (ln(t+1)**(rho*(1 - kpvs)))
                                 +   bconst*(en(t+1)**(rho*elvs))
                                 *  (nn(t+1)**(rho*(1 - elvs))))**(1/rho);

fnewelec(tfirst)..   en(tfirst) =e= e(tfirst) - e0*(spda**nyper);

newelec(t+1)..       en(t+1)    =e= e(t+1) - e(t)*(spda**nyper);

fnewnon(tfirst)..    nn(tfirst) =e= n(tfirst) - n0*(spda**nyper);

newnon(t+1)..        nn(t+1)    =e= n(t+1) - n(t)*(spda**nyper);

totalcap(t+1)..      k(t+1)     =e= k(t)*(spda**nyper) + kn(t+1);

ftotalprod(tfirst).. y(tfirst)  =e=  y0*(spda**ninit)
                                 +  (aconst*(knew(tfirst)**(rho*kpvs))
                                 *  (ln(tfirst)**(rho*(1-kpvs)))
                                 +   bconst*(en(tfirst)**(rho*elvs))
                                 *  (nn(tfirst)**(rho*(1 - elvs))))**(1/rho);

totalprod(t+1)..     y(t+1)      =e= y(t)*(spda**nyper) + yn(t+1);

costnrg(t)..         thsnd*ec(t) =e= pelec(t)*e(t) + pnelec(t)*n(t);

cc(t)..              y(t)        =e= c(t) + i(t) + ec(t);

tc(tlast)..          k(tlast)*(grow(tlast) + (1 - spda)) =l= i(tlast);

util..               utility     =e= sum(t, dfact(t)*log(c(t)));

k.lo(t)  = k0;
kn.lo(t) = tol*i0*ipm(t);
y.lo(t)  = y0;
yn.lo(t) = tol*y0*ln(t);
e.lo(t)  = e0;
en.lo(t) = tol*e0*ln(t);
n.lo(t)  = n0;
nn.lo(t) = tol*n0*ln(t);
c.lo(t)  = c0;
i.lo(t)  = i0;

k.fx(tfirst) = k0*(spda**ninit) + knew(tfirst);

Model etamac / all /;

solve etamac maximizing utility using nlp;

$sTitle Report Definitions
   valuerep  'report for c-i-gdp-e-en-tpe'
   growthrep 'report of growth rates';

valuerep("con",   bsyr) = c0;
valuerep("inv",   bsyr) = i0;
valuerep("gdp",   bsyr) = c0 + i0;
valuerep("elec",  bsyr) = e0;
valuerep("nelec", bsyr) = n0;
valuerep("tpe",   bsyr) = htrt0*e0 + n0;
valuerep("con",   t)    = c.l(t);
valuerep("inv",   t)    = i.l(t);
valuerep("gdp",   t)    = c.l(t) + i.l(t);
valuerep("elec",  t)    = e.l(t);
valuerep("nelec", t)    = n.l(t);
valuerep("tpe",   t)    = htrt(t)*e.l(t) + n.l(t);

growthrep("con", "'85-00")  = 100*((c.l("2000")/c0)**(1/15) - 1);
growthrep("inv", "'85-00")  = 100*((i.l("2000")/i0)**(1/15) - 1);
growthrep("gdp", "'85-00")  = 100*(((c.l("2000") + i.l("2000"))/
                              (c0 + i0))**(1/15) - 1);
growthrep("elec", "'85-00") = 100*((e.l("2000")/e0)**(1/15) - 1);
growthrep("nelec","'85-00") = 100*((n.l("2000")/n0)**(1/15) - 1);
growthrep("tpe",  "'85-00") = 100*(((htrt("2000")*e.l("2000") + n.l("2000"))/
                              (htrt0*e0 + n0))**(1/15) - 1);
growthrep("con",  "'00-20") = 100*((c.l("2020")/c.l("2000"))**(1/20) - 1);
growthrep("inv",  "'00-20") = 100*((i.l("2020")/i.l("2000"))**(1/20) - 1);
growthrep("gdp",  "'00-20") = 100*(((c.l("2020") + i.l("2020"))/
                              (c.l("2000") + i.l("2000")))**(1/20) - 1);
growthrep("elec", "'00-20") = 100*((e.l("2020")/e.l("2000"))**(1/20) - 1);
growthrep("nelec","'00-20") = 100*((n.l("2020")/n.l("2000"))**(1/20) - 1);
growthrep("tpe",  "'00-20") = 100*(((htrt("2020")*e.l("2020") + n.l("2020"))/
                              (htrt("2000")*e.l("2000") + n.l("2000")))
                              **(1/20) - 1);

display valuerep, growthrep;