GAMS Release 27.3.0 (July 04, 2019)

This is not the latest release. You can always find the current GAMS distribution at


  • MD5-Hash values.

    Use a program like md5sum to verify. This should come preinstalled on most Linux systems.

    On Windows systems, open a powershell and enter Get-FileHash .\windows_x64_64.exe -Algorithm MD5

    On Mac OS systems, you can use md5 in the terminal.

    a651814f6fc2fd90149765db628e4e53  MS Windows   (windows_x86_32.exe)
    6173253818f4a5540c484caf992e4138  MS Windows   (windows_x64_64.exe)
    4fb888092c97053d787fb93566565401  Linux        (linux_x64_64_sfx.exe)
    6cad1bda469eab500e2f9161c7434378  Mac OS X     (GAMS27.3.0.dmg)
    6cad1bda469eab500e2f9161c7434378  Mac OS X     (osx_x64_64_sfx.exe)

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