GTAP Database in GDX format

Posted on: 21 Dec, 2021 Modeling News Gams Applications

The Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) , housed at the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University, is an organization with the aim of lowering the cost of entry for conducting quantitative analyses of international economic issues in an economy-wide framework.

Apart from publishing a multi-region, applied general equilibrium model (the “standard model”, implemented with GEMPACK) 1, GTAP also offers a database of economic data. This database combines detailed bilateral trade, transport and protection data with individual country “input-output” databases to account for economic linkages among regions and inter-sectoral linkages within regions.

There are many modeling efforts that make use of the GTAP database, and many of these models are implemented in GAMS. The table below gives an overview of some of these models:

Model Developing Organization Model Focus
Linkage The World Bank Global Trade Policy Analysis
Envisage The World Bank Economics of Climate Change
Mirage CEPII Trade Policy Analysis
EPPA MIT Climate and Environmental Impact Projections
GLOBE CGEMOD Multiple Submodels to Analyse Labour Markets, Migration, and Energy
Env-Linkages OECD Linking Economic Activity to Greenhouse Gases
AIM The AIM Program Asia Pacific Regional Model of Climate Change Impact and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
GTAPinGAMS Thomas Rutherford, University of Wisconsin Multiregional and Small Open Economy Models using the GTAP Data Base
The Standard GTAP Model in GAMS Center for Global Trade Aanalysis Translation of the GTAP Model V7 in GAMS

Until recently, users of those models had to convert the GTAP database files in a slightly complicated process outlined here: .

But due to the heavy use of GAMS in the field of economic modeling, GTAP has decided to now also make their database available in GDX format, which allows direct use with GAMS.

We would like to thank the center for adding this option and making life a bit easier for GAMS users.

  1. GEMPACK is developed at the Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS) at Victoria University ↩︎