

To be able to solve models in GAMS MIRO on your local machine, GAMS version 30.2 or later is required. You can download the latest GAMS version here. You will also find installation instructions for the GAMS system there.

GAMS MIRO installation

To install GAMS MIRO and its components, download the latest version and run the setup, which will guide you through the installation process.

GAMS MIRO installation

To install GAMS MIRO and its components, download the latest version.

Note: In case a current R version (3.6 or later) is not yet installed on your system, you need to do this first. You can download R here.

GAMS MIRO installation

  1. In case a current R version (3.6 or later) is not yet installed on your system, you need to do this first. You can download R here.
  2. For MIRO to work, the system libraries V8 and libcurl need to be installed. On Debian / Ubuntu you need libcurl4-gnutls-dev and either libv8-dev or libnode-dev, on Fedora use libcurl-devel and v8-devel. For example, to install both libraries on Ubuntu, run: sudo apt install libcurl4-gnutls-dev libv8-dev
  3. The first time you launch the GAMS MIRO AppImage, some R packages need to be installed in your R installation path. You will be guided through this installation process.

Demo applications

There are demo applications that can help you get started with GAMS MIRO and its functionality. Those demo applications can be found in the GAMS data utilities library. You can get them e.g. in GAMS Studio via GAMS -> Model Library Explorer or via Shortcut F6. In case you want to download them again, you can find the demo applications here. To use them, simply unzip the downloaded file and move the folder into a directory of your choice.