ifthen2.gms : Test nested $ifthen and $endif


Contributor: Alex

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : ifthen2.gms

$title Test nested $ifthen and $endif  (IFTHEN2,SEQ=452)

Contributor: Alex

$ifthen.C1 1==1 display '$ifthen.C1 1==1';
$  ifthen.C2 1==1
   display 'C2true 1';
$  else.C2
   abort   'C2false 1';
$  endif.C2  $remark finished $endif C2 1
display 'C2 1'
$Endif.C1    $remark finished $endif C1 1
display 'C1 1'

$ifthen.C1 1==1  display '$ifthen.C1 1==1';
$  ifthen.C2 0==1
   abort   'C2true 2';
$  else.c2
   display 'C2false 2';
$  endif.C2 $remark finished $endif C2 2
display 'C2 2'
$endif.C1   $remark finished $endif C1 2
display 'C1 2'

$ifthen.C1 0==1  abort '$ifthen.C1 0==1';
$  ifthen.C2 1==1
   abort 'C2 true 3';
$  else.c2
   abort 'C2false 3';
$  endif.C2  $remark finished $endif C2 3
abort 'C2 3'
$endif.C1    $remark finished $endif C1 3
display 'C1 3'

$ifthen.C1 0==1  abort '$ifthen.C1 0==1';
$  ifthen.C2 0==1
   abort 'C2true 4';
$  else.c2
   abort 'C2false 4';
$  endif.C2 $remark finished $endif C2 4
abort 'C2 4'
$endif.C1   $remark finished $endif C1 4
display 'C1 4'

scalar count / 0 /;
$escape =
$onecho > in.gms
$  ifthen.C1 %=1==1
   display 'from inside'; count := count + 1;
$  endif.C1

$ifthen.C1 1==1
$batinclude in 1

$ifthen.C1 1==1
$batinclude in 0

$ifthen.C1 0==1
$batinclude in 1

$ifthen.C1 0==1
$batinclude in  0

abort$(count<>1) 'something went wrong',count;