nestblock01.gms : Test the use of nested blocks


Tests the correct fucntionality of nested blocks with the use of tags.

Contributor: Lutz Westermann, March 2022

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : nestblock01.gms

$title Test the use of nested blocks (NESTBLOCK01,SEQ=901)

Tests the correct fucntionality of nested blocks with the use of tags.

Contributor: Lutz Westermann, March 2022

$onEcho.a1 > nestedEcho1.gms
$log I am nestedEcho1.gms
$onEcho.a2 > nestedEcho2.gms
$log I am nestedEcho2.gms

$include nestedEcho1.gms

$onEcho > nestedEcho1Want.gms
$log I am nestedEcho1.gms
$onEcho.a2 > nestedEcho2.gms
$log I am nestedEcho2.gms
$onEcho > nestedEcho2Want.gms
$log I am nestedEcho2.gms

$call.checkErrorLevel diff nestedEcho1.gms nestedEcho1Want.gms > %system.nullFile%
$call.checkErrorLevel diff nestedEcho2.gms nestedEcho2Want.gms > %system.nullFile%

file fx / 'nestedPut1.gms' /; put fx;
file fy / 'nestedPut2.gms' /; put fy;
display 'inside';
display 'outside';

execute.checkErrorLevel 'gams nestedPut1.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%';

$onEcho > nestedPut1Want.gms
file fy / 'nestedPut2.gms' /; put fy;
display 'inside';
display 'outside';
$onEcho > nestedPut2Want.gms
display 'inside';

execute.checkErrorLevel 'diff nestedPut1.gms nestedPut1Want.gms > %system.nullFile%';
execute.checkErrorLevel 'diff nestedPut2.gms nestedPut2Want.gms > %system.nullFile%';

* The following tests are expected to fail
$onEcho > failTest.gms
file fx; put fx;
$onPut.unmatchedTag > willNotWork.txt

$call gams failTest.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ife errorLevel=0 $abort Errors expected

$onEcho > failTest.gms
file fx; put fx;
$onPut > willNotWork.txt

$call gams failTest.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ife errorLevel=0 $abort Errors expected

$onEcho > failTest.gms
file fx; put fx;
$onPut.unmatchedTag1 > willNotWork.txt

$call gams failTest.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ife errorLevel=0 $abort Errors expected