pathnlp1.gms : PATHNLP test suite - basic option reading test


Why doesn't this next line reset the optfile????
$echo "transport.optfile = 0;" >> trnsport.gms

test the path option reading mode: first 3 chars are significant

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : pathnlp1.gms

$TITLE 'PATHNLP test suite - basic option reading test' (PATHNLP1,SEQ=261)

$call gamslib -q 1

$echo "abort$(transport.solvestat <> %solvestat.IterationInterrupt%) 'problems with PATHNLP options';" >> trnsport.gms
* Why doesn't this next line reset the optfile????
* $echo "transport.optfile = 0;" >> trnsport.gms
$echo "file fopt /pathnlp.opt/; putclose fopt '* empty option file';"  >> trnsport.gms
$echo "solve transport using lp min z;" >> trnsport.gms
$echo "abort$(transport.solvestat <> %solvestat.NormalCompletion% or transport.modelstat <> %modelstat.Optimal%) 'problems with PATHNLP solver';" >> trnsport.gms

* test the path option reading mode: first 3 chars are significant
$echo "maj_iterjjjjj_limZZZZ 1"  > pathnlp.opt
$echo "minor_iteration_limit 1" >> pathnlp.opt
$call =gams trnsport lp=pathnlp lo=0 optfile=1
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'problems with PATHNLP options'