

    In this section you will learn how to customize GAMS MIRO. As you saw previously when creating your first app, MIRO launches without any further configuration. However, you will find that there are a lot of configuration possibilities to adapt MIRO to your specific model.

    The configuration is done via a graphical configuration interface, with which you can create plots and widgets or change certain settings with a few mouse clicks, visually supported by a live preview. In addition, the configuration can also be done manually via a JSON file. In fact, all the graphical Configuration Mode does is create this JSON file.

    Custom visualization options

    Configuration Mode

    This chapter shows how to configure MIRO using the graphical interface. For those who feel more comfortable writing JSON, section Configuration via JSON shows how to configure a MIRO app without using the graphical interface.

    The Configuration Mode is directly accessible via GAMS Studio:

    start the Configuration Mode

    In order to launch the Configuration Mode via the command line, the environment variable MIRO_MODE=config needs to be set instead of MIRO_MODE=base. The other steps (see here) remain the same.


    Changes made in Configuration Mode are effective after a restart of the MIRO application.

    The Configuration Mode is categorized as follows:

    General settings

    Appearance and general behavior of the app


    Symbol naming, ordering, grouping, etc.


    Global table and individual output table settings

    Input widgets

    How to communicate input data with GAMS.


    Visualization of input and output data

    Scenario analysis

    Run custom analysis scripts

    Database management

    Backup, restore or remove the database.

    Options not Available in Configuration Mode

    With the Configuration Mode we pursue the goal that a user can completely configure a MIRO application without having to write any JSON code. However, there are a few advanced options that are not yet available in the Configuration Mode and will have to be configured manually. The following sections describe these options:

    Advanced topics

    The following more advanced topics are covered in subsequent chapters: