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93th meeting of the GOR working group Real World Mathematical Optimization, 93th GOR Meeting, Mathematical Optimization in Industry, November 27-28 201, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 06-09 2013, Minneapolis MN
Steve Dirkse; Pre-Conference GAMS Workshop: The slides and the zip file containing the files to add the library Workshop Demonstration Models to the model library tab in the GAMS IDE. To add this model library to your GAMS system:
Unzip the zip file in the GAMS system directory. This should create a directory demolib_ml next to the pre-existing datalib_ml, etc.
With a text editor, update the file idecfg.ini in the GAMS system directory to make the IDE aware of this new library. Just follow the same pattern as the other libraries there.
Steve Dirkse; Software Demonstration: The organization and content were very similar to the workshop mentioned above.
International Conference on Operations Research, September 3 to September 6, 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Lutz Westermann, Clemens Westphal; Pre-Conference GAMS Workshop at OR 2013:
13th INFORMS Computing Society Conference (ICS), January 06-08 2013, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Steven Dirkse, Michael C. Ferris, Renger. van Nieuwkoop: gdxrrw: Exchanging Data Between GAMS and R. The source for the talk, including all GAMS source, R source, etc., and a little README describing how to generate it with knitr and beamer, is available in this zip file. To generate the talk and run the latest examples, you will need the most recent version of GDXRRW (0.2.0) and a version of GAMS at least as recent as 23.9.4.
Stefan Vigerske, Michael Bussieck, Steven Dirkse: Advanced Use of GAMS Solver Links The scripts to demonstrate usage of the solvetrace files are available in this zip file. You will need at least GAMS 24.0.2 to generate correct solve trace files.
89th meeting of the GOR working group Real World Mathematical Optimization, Hybrid Methods, November 15-16 2012, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
Steven Dirkse; gdxrrw: Exchanging Data Between GAMS and R. The source for the talk, including all GAMS source, R source, etc., and a little README describing how to generate it with knitr and beamer, is available here. To generate the talk and run the latest examples, you will need the most recent versions of GDXRRW (0.2.0) and GAMS (23.9.4).
85th meeting of the GOR working group, "Real World Mathematical Optimization", November 18+19 2010, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, "Modeling Languages in Mathematical Optimization – Overview, Opportunities and Challenges in Application Development"
83rd Working Group Meeting Real World Optimization, November 19-20, 2009, Workshop 'Mathematical Optimization in Transportation -Airline, Public Transport, Railway-', Bad Honnef, Germany
OR 2001, Section "Continuous Optimization", Prof. Dr. Friedrich Juhnke,
Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg, Prof. Dr. Florian Jarre, Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf
OR 2001, Section "Discrete and Combinatorial Optimization", Prof. Dr.
Alexander Martin, Technical University of Darmstadt, Prof. Dr. Peter Brucker,
University of Osnabrück